Crossword Clue and Answers

Today we have 34 crossword solutions for Juju.

We have deemed Juju as a RARE crossword clue as we have not seen it in many (if any) crossword publications.

The most recent answer we found for this clue is "FETICH".

Crossword Answers

4 letters

JUJU Mike Smallman
A charm superstitiously believed to embody magical powers

RUNE Mike Smallman
Any character from an ancient Germanic alphabet used in Scandinavia from the 3rd century to the Middle Ages; "each rune had its own magical significance"

5 letters

CHARM Mike Smallman
Something believed to bring good luck

MAGIC Mike Smallman
An illusory feat; considered magical by naive observers

SPELL Mike Smallman
A verbal formula believed to have magical force; "he whispered a spell as he moved his hands"; "inscribed around its base is a charm in Balinese"

6 letters

AMULET Mike Smallman
A trinket or piece of jewelry usually hung about the neck and thought to be a magical protection against evil or disease

MASCOT Mike Smallman
A person or animal that is adopted by a team or other group as a symbolic figure

SCARAB Mike Smallman
Scarabaeid beetle considered divine by ancient Egyptians

WHAMMY Mike Smallman
An evil spell; "a witch put a curse on his whole family"; "he put the whammy on me"

Excessive or irrational devotion to some activity; "made a fetish of cleanliness"

Excessive or irrational devotion to some activity; "made a fetish of cleanliness"

Something believed to bring bad luck

A charm superstitiously believed to embody magical powers

7 letters

ALCHEMY Mike Smallman
A pseudoscientific forerunner of chemistry in medieval times

GLAMOUR Mike Smallman
Cast a spell over someone or something; put a hex on someone or something

THEURGY Mike Smallman
White magic performed with the help of beneficent spirits (as formerly practiced by Neoplatonists)

8 letters

CHEMURGY Mike Smallman

SWASTIKA Mike Smallman
The official emblem of the Nazi Party and the Third Reich; a cross with the arms bent at right angles in a clockwise direction

TALISMAN Mike Smallman
A trinket or piece of jewelry usually hung about the neck and thought to be a magical protection against evil or disease

WITCHERY Mike Smallman
The art of sorcery

WIZARDRY Mike Smallman
Exceptional creative ability

9 letters

FETISHISM Mike Smallman
Sexual arousal or gratification resulting from handling a fetish (or a specific part of the body other than the sexual organs)

VOODOOISM Mike Smallman
A religious cult practiced chiefly in Caribbean countries (especially Haiti); involves witchcraft and animistic deities

10 letters

DIVINATION Mike Smallman
The art or gift of prophecy (or the pretense of prophecy) by supernatural means

LUCKYPIECE Mike Smallman

MUMBOJUMBO Mike Smallman
Language or ritual causing, or intending to cause, confusion

NECROMANCY Mike Smallman
The belief in magical spells that harness occult forces or evil spirits to produce unnatural effects in the world

PHYLACTERY Mike Smallman
(Judaism) either of two small leather cases containing texts from the Hebrew Scriptures (known collectively as tefillin); traditionally worn (on the forehead and the left arm) by Jewish men during morning prayer

WITCHCRAFT Mike Smallman
The art of sorcery

SPELLBOUND Mike Smallman
Having your attention fixated as though by a spell

11 letters

A magical spell

An illusory feat; considered magical by naive observers

12 letters

Attracting and holding interest as if by a spell; "read the bedtime story in a hypnotic voice"; "she had a warm mesmeric charm"; "the sheer force of his presence was mesmerizing"; "a spellbinding description of life in ancient Rome"

22 letters



Contributor Photo - Mike SmallmanMike Smallman